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Welcome to the AnalyzeSeeds Site!

Dear SCST Members,

The RGT Board of Examiners will be offering the RGT/CGT exam at SGS-Brookings on February 4th at 9:00 am CST.

Applications to take this exam are due January 4th, 2025.
Exam applications can be found on the AOSA/SCST website HERE.

Please submit applications to the Executive Director at the following location via mail, or scan and email to:
SCST Administrative Office
8918 W 21st St N
Suite 200, #246
Wichita, KS 67205
Email: scst@seedtechnology.net
Phone:  (202) 870-2412
No payment is required at time of application. You will be invoiced for the examination upon acceptance of your application.

Thank you,
RGT Board of Examiners
Molly Richeson – Molly.Richeson@agreliant.com 309-446-9830

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