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* Submission of the application is NOT an automatic admittance for AOSA membership. The applicant will be notified by the AOSA office and/or the AOSA Membership Committee of admittance OR the failure to comply with membership guidelines set forth by the AOSA Bylaws. IF approved, an invoice for the payment of the appropriate membership category dues will be sent.


Seed laboratories of government regulatory agencies and/or government institutions as defined in Article IV Section 2, engaged in seed testing and/or seed research shall be eligible for Official Laboratory status. Each Official Laboratory shall be entitled to one vote in the election of officers and other business of the Association. The vote of an Official Laboratory shall be cast by one of the Affiliate members.


Laboratories of government agencies and government institutions, inside or outside the United States and Canada and as defined in Article IV Section 2, engaged in seed research, testing, training, and/or regulatory work shall be eligible for Allied laboratory status. Allied laboratories are not required to have a certified seed analyst or equivalent under employment. Persons employed in technical and/or professional positions in Allied laboratories shall automatically become Allied Members. Allied members shall be eligible for appointment to but not serve as chairperson for any committees except subcommittees. They shall not be eligible for election as an officer or member of the Executive Board of the Association or entitled to vote in Association elections or other business of the Association.


Persons not attached to the staffs of member laboratories, but are engaged in seed analysis, seed research, teaching, extension, crop improvement agencies, and related activities in universities, government agencies or government institutions. Associate members shall be eligible for appointment to committees and committee chairpersons and may enter motions in meetings of the Association, but shall not be eligible for election as an officer or member of the Executive Board of the Association, except for election as Secretary-Treasurer, or entitled to vote in Association elections or other business of the Association.


Any person who has rendered signal service in one or more of the fields of activity of the Association mentioned in Article III is eligible for Honorary Membership. They shall have all privileges of Associate Members except that of receiving complimentary copies of the Journal of Seed Technology. They shall have a free registration at the Annual Meeting. Any Member of the Association may nominate a person for Honorary Membership. Such nominations shall be submitted to the Membership Committee. If approved by the Executive Board, the name will be presented to the delegates at the Annual Meeting. They shall be declared elected upon a two-thirds majority vote.
