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AOSA Merit Award Recipients are AOSA members or individuals engaged in seed testing, or with a major interest in seed technology.  AOSA appreciates and recognizes these individuals for their significant contributions to AOSA and the field of seed technology. A historical listing of AOSA Merit Award Recipients as well as criteria for nomination can be found below.

The AOSA Board of Directors is soliciting nominations for the AOSA Merit Award.  The criteria and procedure for making merit award nominations are listed below. Please submit your nomination in writing by April 30 to:

The current AOSA Vice President,
c/o aosa@aosaseed.com

Eligible candidates must either be an AOSA Affiliate Member, AOSA Associate Member, AOSA Honorary Member, AOSA Allied Member, a person engaged in seed testing, or a person whose major field of interest has been, or currently is, seed technology.  The candidate should have made significant contributions in at least three areas and these contributions made to AOSA or in the field of seed technology.

Nominations may be made by any AOSA Affiliate Member or AOSA Associate Member.  The name of the candidate submitted to the committee must be accompanied by a concise summary indicating the significance and value of the candidate’s achievements to AOSA.  Achievements should be listed in the order set forth below.


  1. Candidate has served in two or more of the offices of AOSA. These may include the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Executive Board Member or Chairperson of a Standing Committee.
  2. Candidate has appreciably advanced research in the field of seed technology. A list of literature citations should be submitted as proof of achievement.
  3. Candidate has effectively furthered the use of high quality seed through continued extension activity on a state, provincial, or national basis. Specific examples of accomplishments and/or literature citations should be submitted.
  4. Candidate has contributed significantly to education in the field of seed technology. This may include teaching of college courses or short courses, and may also include books or training manuals on seed technology written by the nominee.
  5. Candidate has established a reputation as an efficient and progressive administrator in the correlation of seed testing and seed law enforcement. Achievements in this area should be at the national as well as state level.
  6. Candidate has made worthy contributions to seed testing at the international level.
YearAOSA Merit Award Recipients
1959C.W. Legatt, R.H. Porter, E. H. Toole
1960Albina Musil
1961Edgar Brown
1962O.L. Justice
1963C.M. Bass
1964A.S. Carter
1965Duane Isely
1966B.F. Forward
1967W.A. Davison
1968Benjamin E. Clark
1969Louisa A. Jensen
1970Leroy E. Everson
1971E.J. (Jess) Doyle
1972Claude Heit
1973C. Bernard, W. Rogers
1974Vera Colbry
1975Louis N. Bass
1976Ray Kinch
1977Edgar Sundermeyer
1978Don Grabe
1979E. E. Hardin
1980James Delouche
1981Dwight D. Forsyth
1982Arnold Larson
1983Wendell F. Ditmer
1984Milton Meadows
1985R.P. Moore
1986George Spain
1987Loren Wiesner
1988T. Wayne Still
1989Gail Fenderson
1990Charles Abbott
1991A.B. (Sandy) Ednie
1992Rodger Danielson
1993No Award Presented
1994Larry O. Copeland
1995Dennis TeKrony
1996Richard C. Payne
1997No Award Presented
1998Doug Ashton
1999Deborah Meyer
2000Charles Baskin
2001No Award Presented 
2002No Award Presented
2003Lee Daughtry
2004Jim Lair
2005Ellen M. Chirco,
2006Joe Garvey, Miller McDonald
2007Wayne Guerke
2008No Award Presented
2009No Award Presented
2010Miller McDonald
2011Richard C. Payne
2012Susan Maxon
2013Deborah Meyer
2014Gil Waibel
2015Michael Stahr
2016Adriel Garay
2017Sabry Elias
2018Sue Alvarez
2019Riad Baalbaki & Annette Miller
2020No Award Presented
2021No Award Presented
2022No Award Presented
2023No Award Presented
2024No Award Presented

We apologize for any errors in the list and that corrections can be sent to aosa@aosaseed.com
