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Welcome to the AnalyzeSeeds Site!

Organized by:

The California State Seed Laboratory, Sacramento, CA

April 24-26, 2024

Due to popular demand, the California State Seed Laboratory will offer an additional session of the Seed ID and Germination workshop. The additional 3-day workshop will be identical to the one planned for April 3-5, and will be held on April 24 -26. The seed ID part will cover approaches for dealing with unknown seeds, identification of some species on the CSA/RST exam list, and other objects encountered in a purity analysis, as well as molecular identification. The emphasis of the germination part will be on seedling evaluation topics such as grass shoot evaluations, root abnormalities, Fabaceae cotyledon evaluations, and use of the Seedling Evaluation Database.

The material will be structured to benefit both beginner and experienced analysts, including those working towards RST/CSA certification, with an abundance of hands-on exercises.

The workshop was approved for 5.5 Continuing Education points by AOSA/SCST.

Registration is now open. The space is limited. The deadline for registration is March 15th, 2024.

Please see the registration form HERE and info sheets HERE for more details.

  For all inquiries, please contact Emi Kuroiwa (emi.kuroiwa@cdfa.ca.gov; 916-738-6701)

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