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Associate Member: Individuals interested in seed technology may apply for an associate membership to Society Commercial Seed Technologists.

Registered Seed Technologist:

To find more detailed information on the RST examination and content please visit the AOSA/SCST Consolidated Exam Committee page HERE.

These are individuals who have successfully qualified for and passed the RST exam. The current qualifications include a minimum of two years work experience, one year of an active Associate Membership and accumulation of 100 points from workshops, college courses, and work experience.  The RST exam includes written purity and germination exams as well as a germination practical exam, seed separations, and seed identification.  RSTs are required to complete continuing education in order to maintain membership and are required to pay annual membership dues.  They must sign a contract for Privilege of Use of the Societies name, logo, RST seal, and the title Registered Seed Technologist.  RSTs have one vote on all Society business and can vote on the amendments to the AOSA for Rules Testing Seeds.  RSTs are eligible to run for elected office and can chair or participate on committees.

Certified Viability & Purity Technologist:

To find more detailed information on the CVT or CPT examination and content please visit the AOSA/SCST Consolidated Exam Committee page HERE.

These are individuals who have successfully qualified for and passed the CVT or CPT exam. The current qualifications include a minimum of two years of work experience, one year of an active Associate Membership and accumulation of 100 points from workshops, college courses, and work experience. The CVT exam includes written purity and germination exams as well as a germination practical exam.  The CPT exam includes the written purity exam, and seed separations, and seed identification practical exams.

CVTs and CPTs are required to complete continuing education in order to maintain membership and are required to pay annual dues. They must sign a contract for Privilege of Use of the Societies name, logo, and the title Certified Viability or Purity Technologist. Appendix E contains a sample contract, CVTs and CPTs have one vote on all Society business and can vote on the amendments to the AOSA for Rules Testing Seeds.  They are eligible to run for elected office and chair or participate on any committees.

Registered Genetic Technologist:

To find more detailed information on the RGT examination and content please visit the RGT Board of Examiners Committee page HERE.

These are individuals who have successfully qualified for and passed the RGT exam. The current qualifications include a minimum of two years work experience, one year of an active Associate Membership and accumulation of 100 points from workshops, college courses, and work experience. An RGT has passed the molecular genetics exam as well as all three genetic technology exams currently available: trait purity, genetic purity, and adventitious presence.  The RGT exam includes a required written molecular genetics exam and required area specific written and practical exams in the three genetic technology areas.  RGTs are required to complete continuing education in order to maintain membership and are required to pay annual membership dues.  They must sign a contract for Privilege of Use of the Societies name, logo, RGT seal, and the title Registered Genetics Technologist. RGTs are eligible to run for elected office and can chair or participate on committees.

Certified Genetic Technologist:

To find more detailed information on the RGT examination and content please visit the RGT Board of Examiners Committee page HERE.

These are individuals who have successfully qualified for and passed the CGT exam. The current qualifications include a minimum of one year of work experience, one year of an active Associate Membership and accumulation of 100 points from workshops, college courses, and work experience.  A CGT has passed the molecular genetics exam as well as one or two of the three genetic technology exams currently available: trait purity, genetic purity, and adventitious presence.  The CGT exam includes a required written molecular genetics exam and area specific written and practical exams in the three genetic technology areas.  CGTs are required to complete continuing education in order to maintain membership and are required to pay annual dues. They must sign a contract for Privilege of Use of the Societies name, logo, and the title Certified Genetic Technologist.  CGTs have one vote on all Society business and can vote on the amendments to the AOSA for Rules Testing Seeds.  CGTs are eligible to run for elected office and can chair or participate on committees.

Professional Member:  Qualifications include evidence of employment in a business that has a seed testing laboratory, oversight of quality control, or seed analysis, with a current Registered or Certified Membership, or Registered/Certified Member Inactive for three years or less.  They are entitled to one vote on all Society matters and are eligible to use the Name, Insignia (logo), title Professional Member and hold elective office.

View/Download Professional Member Application

Research Member:  Individuals involved in teaching, research and outreach in the field of seed technology.  They are entitled to one vote on all Society matters, and are eligible to use the Name, Insignia (logo), title Research Member and hold elective office. They are entitled to an annual subscription of the Seed Technologist News, Proceedings, Board Notes, and reduced prices on AOSA publications.

View/Download Research Membership Application

Applications for reinstatement must be made in writing to the Executive Director, please include payment of current and outstanding dues. Applicants must verify compliance with Continuing Education requirements.

Application for Registered or Certified Member Inactive Reinstatement

Please E-mail your completed application to:

Society of Commercial Seed Technologists
8918 W 21st St. N
Suite 200, #246
Wichita, KS 67205
Phone: (202) 870-2412
Email: scst@seedtechnology.net
