Suggested purity and/or germination testing methods for species without AOSA Rules testing procedures. The protocols listed are NOT official AOSA Rules methodology.
PLEASE NOTE: The following material represents genera and species that are not covered by AOSA Rules for Testing Seeds. These procedures and information were contributed for the purpose of providing a source of purity and/or germination methods for those species not included in the “Rules”, of which there may be valuable need for. Contributed information is cited by laboratory or publication in “References”. The methods listed are not official AOSA Rules protocols.
These documents should be used appropriately. Some species listed have been added to the Rules since the publication of this document. Any established Rules shall take precedent to any method described here.
Species Database (PDF) Species Database (Excel document) References
Updated 01/2025
Any additional contributions will be greatly appreciated. Please include primary source reference when available.
Original database: Ellen Chirco and Terry Turner. 1986. Species without AOSA Testing Procedures. The Newsletter of the Association of Official Seed Analysts. Vol 60 (2: 2-66).