Mission Statement
A fund for the research and standardization of applied seed testing methods Established 2002. The Mission of STRF is to support applied research in seed testing, to promote standardization in laboratory seed testing, and to increase the benefits of seed analysis to the seed industry.
Andrae McMillian, Alabama State Seed Laboratory
Cindy Finneseth, Whippoorwill Agriculture Services
Dr. Fawad Shah, Minnesota Crop Improvement Association
Randy Crowl, Colorado Seed Laboratory
Sue Alvarez, Ransom Seed Laboratory
Tim Gutormson, SoDak Laboratories
Cindy Finneseth, Whippoorwill Agriculture Services
Investigator, Affiliation | Project Title | Category | Award |
Sabry Elias, Oregon State University | Germination Studies in Hemp | Standard | $3,000 |
Greg Welbaum, Virginia Tech | Seed Testing Recommendations for Thermogradient & LabFieldTM Tables | Small Scale | $1,000 |
Lauren Shearer, SoDak Labs | Effects of media substrata on Triticum spp. seed germination Abstract of Results (poster presentation at 2022 AOSA/SCST Annual Meeting) | Small Scale | $1,000 |
Lauren Shearer, SoDak Labs | Effects of temperature on Helianthus annuus Seed Germination on different media substrata Abstract of Results (poster presentation at 2022 AOSA/SCST Annual Meeting) | Small Scale | $1,000 |
Lauren Shearer, SoDak Labs | Effects of dormancy breaking methods on Sesamum indicum seed germination for freshly harvested seed Abstract of Results (poster presentation at 2022 AOSA/SCST Annual Meeting) | Small Scale | $1,000 |
Lauren Shearer, SoDak Labs | Effect of a precondition on accelerated aging and bulk electrical conductivity on Phaseolus vulgaris spp. Abstract of Results (poster presentation at 2022 AOSA/SCST Annual Meeting) | Small Scale | $1,000 |
Investigator, Affiliation | Project Title | Category | Award |
Lauren Shearer, SoDak Labs | Impact of particle size of ground corn samples on the detection of the presence of 35S and TNOS sequences | Small Scale | $1,000 |
Miranda Smidt, SoDak Labs | Dormancy Breaking Methods on Freshly Harvested Hybrid Oil Seed Sunflowers | Small Scale | $2,000 |
Sabry Elias, Oregon State University | Development of a Quantitative Test to Distinguish between Annual and Perennial Ryegrass | Standard | $10,000 |
Miranda Smidt, SoDak Labs | Improving Cotton Cool Test Result Consistency within and Among Laboratories Final Report | Standard | $6,000 |
Investigator, Affiliation | Project Title | Category | Award |
Dr. Sabry Elias (Oregon State University) | Development of Tolerance Tables for Native Species | Standard | $5,000 |
Dr. Sabry Elias and Yeaching Wu (Oregon State University) | The Use of Thermogradient Table in Screening Cover Crops for Cold and Heat Tolerance | Standard | $7,000 |