AOSA Co-Chair Leanne Duncan CFIA Saskatoon Laboratory Seed Science & Technology Section 301-421 Downey Rd. Saskatoon, SK Canada S7N 4L8 Phone: 306-914-6798 Fax: 306-385-4944 Email: | SCST Co-Chair Sarah Graybill SGS Brookings 1405 32nd Ave. Brookings, SD USA 57006 Phone: 605-692-7611 Fax: 605-692-7617 Email: |
The Consolidated Exam Committee, established in 2006, has achieved the goal set by AOSA and SCST members of developing a single accreditation standard for conventional seed analysts in the United States by Spring 2013. The members of the AOSA Certification of Analysts Committee and the SCST RST Board of Examiners combined the best aspects of both exams to develop germination and purity exams that will be offered annually in each region (as needed). The germination and purity exams each take one day and include both written and practical exercises.
Applications for examination are now being accepted for the following dates:
Region II: Midwest, May 2nd and May 9th, 2025
Iowa State University will be hosting the AOSA/SCST exams in Ames, IA in conjunction with their Seed Analyst Short Courses: Germination April 28th – May 1st and Purity May 5th – May 8th. The Germination Examination will be administered on May 2, 2025 and the Purity Examination on May 9, 2025.
Applications should be submitted to the appropriate committee chair as well as the Executive Director no later than February 28, 2025.
Please contact Jessica ( for further information about the short course.
Applications for THIS examination are NOT being accepted at this time! ONLY applications for the May 2025 (Spring) exams are being accepted and reviewed.
Region V: Southern, August 7th and August 8th, 2025
The USDA Seed Regulatory and Testing Division has not received sufficient applicants to justify two seed schools this year. The schools will be condensed to a single school from August 4-6. The purity exam will still be held on August 7, and the germination exam on August 8th. All those who have already applied will automatically be moved to the August school. There is still room for more applicants; anyone interested should contact Elizabeth Stewart at
Applications will be considered in the order received. Applications that are unclear or contain incomplete information will be rejected. Due to the nature of the exam, space is limited. For all examinations, applications are available from the AOSA/SCST website or from the AOSA/SCST Administrative Office.
Please submit full, complete applications to the appropriate exam co-chair and Executive Director at the following locations via scan and email to:
AOSA Applicants: SCST Applicants:
Leanne Duncan, AOSA Co-chair 12591_9f4b58-dd> |
Sarah Graybill, SCST Co-chair 12591_080e0b-c9> |
12591_543da4-18> |
Email: 12591_b9fb65-72> |
Phone: (306) 914-6798 12591_06a08d-52> |
Phone: (605) 692-7611 12591_947ec1-0c> |
*No payment is required at the time of application; invoices will be provided for the examination upon acceptance of your application.
Applications for the exam can be found on the tab below labeled “How to Apply for the Examination”.
Registered Seed Technologist
These are individuals who have successfully qualified for and passed the RST exam. The current qualifications include a minimum of two years work experience, two years of an active Associate Membership and accumulation of 100 points from workshops, college courses, and work experience. The RST exam includes written purity and germination exams as well as a germination practical exam, seed separations, and seed identification. RSTs are required to complete continuing education in order to maintain membership and are required to pay annual membership dues. They must sign a contract for Privilege of Use of the Societies name, logo, RST seal, and the title Registered Seed Technologist. RSTs have one vote on all Society business and can vote on the amendments to the AOSA for Rules Testing Seeds. RSTs are eligible to run for elected office and can chair or participate on committees. To find more detailed information on the RST examination please visit the SCST Exam Content and Preparation tab on this page.
Registered Genetic Technologist
These are individuals who have successfully qualified for and passed the RGT exam. The current qualifications include a minimum of two years work experience, two years of an active Associate Membership and accumulation of 100 points from workshops, college courses, and work experience. An RGT has passed three of the four genetic technology exams: herbicide bioassay, electrophoresis, immunoassay testing (ELISA), and PCR. The RGT exam includes a required written molecular genetics and area specific written and practical exams in the four genetic technology areas. RGTs are required to complete continuing education in order to maintain membership and are required to pay annual membership dues. They must sign a contract for Privilege of Use of the Societies name, logo, RGT seal, and the title Registered Genetics Technologist. RGTs are eligible to run for elected office and can chair or participate on committees. To find more detailed information on the RGT examination please visit the RGT Board of Examiners HERE.
Certified Genetic Technologist
These are individuals who have successfully qualified for and passed the CGT exam. The current qualifications include a minimum of one year of work experience, two years of an active Associate Membership and accumulation of 100 points from workshops, college courses, and work experience. A CGT has passed one or two of the four genetic technology exams: herbicide bioassay, electrophoresis, immunoassay testing (ELISA), and PCR. The CGT exam includes a required written molecular genetics exam and area specific written and practical exams in the four genetic technology areas. CGTs are required to complete continuing education in order to maintain membership and are required to pay annual dues. They must sign a contract for Privilege of Use of the Societies name, logo, and the title Certified Genetic Technologist. CGTs have one vote on all Society business and can vote on the amendments to the AOSA for Rules Testing Seeds. CGTs are eligible to run for elected office and can chair or participate on committees. To find more detailed information on the CGT examination please visit the RGT Board of Examiners HERE.
Certified Viability & Purity Technologist
These are individuals who have successfully qualified for and passed the CVT or CPT exam. The current qualifications include a minimum of two years of work experience, two years of an active Associate Membership and accumulation of 100 points from workshops, college courses, and work experience. The CVT exam includes the written germination exam as well as a germination practical exam. The CPT exam includes the written purity exam, and seed separations, and seed identification practical exams. To find more detailed information on the CVT or CPT examination please visit the SCST Exam Content and Preparation tab on this page.
CVTs and CPTs are required to complete continuing education in order to maintain membership and are required to pay annual dues. They must sign a contract for Privilege of Use of the Societies name, logo, and the title Certified Viability or Purity Technologist. Appendix E contains a sample contract, CVTs and CPTs have one vote on all Society business and can vote on the amendments to the AOSA for Rules Testing Seeds. They are eligible to run for elected office and chair or participate on any committees.
Professional Member
Qualifications include evidence of employment in a business that has a seed testing laboratory, oversight of quality control,or seed analysis, with a current Registered or Certified Membership, or Registered/Certified Member Inactive for three years or less. They are entitled to one vote on all Society matters and are eligible to use the Name, Insignia (logo), title Professional Member and hold elective office.
Research Member
Individuals involved in teaching, research and outreach in the field of seed technology. They are entitled to one vote on all Society matters, and are eligible to use the Name, Insignia (logo), title Research Member and hold elective office. They are entitled to an annual subscription of the Seed Technologist News, Proceedings, Board Notes, and reduced prices on AOSA publications.
Associate Member
Individuals interested in seed technology.
Certified Seed Analysts
Employees of public sector seed laboratories that have successfully qualified for and passed the RST/CSA exams in germination and purity. The current qualifications include work experience and accumulation of 100 points from workshops or college courses.
Certified Seed Analyst-Germination (CSA-G)
Employees of public sector seed laboratories that have successfully qualified for and passed the Germination exam. The current qualifications include a minimum of two years of work experience, and accumulation of 100 points from workshops, college courses, and work experience. The Germination exam includes a written and a practical exam.
Certified Seed Analyst – Purity (CSA-P)
Employees of public sector seed laboratories that have successfully qualified for and passed the Purity exam. The current qualifications include a minimum of two years of work experience, and accumulation of 100 points from workshops, college courses, and work experience. The Purity exam includes the written purity exam, seed separations, and seed identification practical exams.
Analysts preparing for the purity and germination exams should download the Consolidated Exam Content Information document and the Seed Identification List. The SCST and AOSA Study Guides contain excellent and useful information that can be used to prepare for the exams while the Consolidated Exam Study Guide is finalized. There is also Practice Tests, Webinars, Mentoring and Study Hall information available on the Teaching and Training web page.
Consolidated Exam Content Information
Seed Identification List – version 2.0 (sorted by family)
Seed Identification List – version 2.0 (sorted by scientific name)
Seed Identification List – version 2.0 (.xlsx)
Seed Identification List – version 2.0 (list of changes)
UBP & Mixing and Dividing Checklist
How to Study For The Examinations – Video Presentation
Analysts who wish to become CSA, CSA-G or CSA-P need to fulfill the requirements to qualify to take the exam and submit the application to AOSA.
CSA, CSA-G or CSA-P Examination Application
Please submit your completed application and herbarium voucher to:
Association of Official Seed Analysts
Phone: (202) 870-2412
Leanne Duncan, AOSA Co-chair
Phone: (306) 914-6798
Analysts who wish to become RST, CVT, or CPT members of SCST need to fulfill the requirements to qualify to take the exam and submit the application to SCST.
RST, CVT or CPT Examination Application
Please submit your completed application and herbarium voucher to:
Society of Commercial Seed Technologists
Phone: (202) 870-2412
Sarah Graybill, SCST Co-chair
Phone: (605) 692-7611
AOSA-SCST Re-Examination Policy
Analysts who are needing to re-take an exam for any reason, should download the CSA, CSA-G or CSA-P Re-Exam Application and submit it to AOSA.
CSA, CSA-G or CSA-P Re-Examination Application
Please submit your completed application to:
Association of Official Seed Analysts
8919 W 21st St. N
Suite 200, #246
Wichita, KS 67205
Phone: (202) 870-2412
Analysts who are needing to re-take an exam for any reason, should download the RST, CVT or CPT Re-Exam Application and submit it to SCST.
RST, CVT or CPT Re-Examination Application
Please submit your completed application to:
Society of Commercial Seed Technologists
8918 W 21st St. N
Suite 200, #246
Wichita, KS 67205
Phone: (202) 870-2412
Applications for reinstatement must be made in writing to the Executive Director, please include payment of current and outstanding dues (will be prorated). Applicant must verify compliance with Continuing Education requirements.
Application for Registered or Certified Member Inactive Reinstatement
Please submit your completed application to:
Society of Commercial Seed Technologists
8918 W 21st St. N
Suite 200, #246
Wichita, KS 67205
Phone: (202) 870-2412