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SCST Membership Obituary Collection

AOSA Annual Meeting Proceedings 1914-1975

1914 1915 1916-1917 1918 1919-19201921-1922 1923 1924 1925 1926-1927 1928 19291930-1933 1935 1936 1937 1938 19391940 1941 1942 1943-1944 1945-1946 1947 1948 19491950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 19591960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 19691970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975

AOSA/SCST Annual Meeting Proceedings 1998-2018

1998 19992000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 20092010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

AOSA/SCST Newsletters

Vol-72-No-1 Vol-72-No-2 Vol-72-No-3 Vol-73-No-1 Vol-73-No-2 Vol-73-No-3 Vol-74-No-1 Vol-74-No-2 Vol-74-No-3 Vol-75-No-1 Vol-75-No-2 Vol-75-No-3Vol-76-No-1 Vol-76-No-2 Vol-76-No-3 Vol-77-No-1 Vol-77-No-2 Vol-77-No-3 Vol-78-No-1 Vol-78-No-2 Vol-78-No-3 Vol-79-No-1 Vol-79-No-2 Vol-79-No-3Vol-80-No-1 Vol-80-No-2 Vol-80-No-3 Vol-81-No-1 Vol-81-No-2 Vol-81-No-3 Vol-82-No-1 Vol-82-No-2 Vol-82-No-3 Vol-83-No-1 Vol-83-No-2 Vol-83-No-3Vol-84-No-1 Vol-84-No-2 Vol-84-No-3 Vol-85-No-1 Vol-85-No-2 Vol-85-No-3 Vol-86-No-3 Vol-87-No-3

Historical Rule Proposals 1935-1950

Rules subcommittee report 1935-1936
Rules subcommittee report 1936-1937
Rules subcommittee report 1937-1938
Revision of Rules subcommittee report 1938-1939
Rules and regulations committee report 1939-1940
Standardized Testing committee report 1941-1942
Rules and Standardized Testing committee report 1943-1944
Standardized test committee report 1945-1946
Rules committee report 1945-1946
Rules and Regulations committee report 1946-1947
Rules and Standardized Testing Committee report 1948-1949
Rules and standardized testing committee report 1949-1950

Historical Rule Proposals 1950-1970

Rules and standardized testing committee report 1950-1951
Rules and Standardized testing committee report 1951-1952
Rules and Standardized testing committee report 1952-1953
Rules and Standardized Testing Committee report 1953-1954
Rules and Standardized testing committee report 1955-1956
Standardized Test Committee 1956-1957
Notice 1957-1958
Standardized Committee report 1957-1958
Proposed 1958-1959
Report-Passed 1958-1959
Allium bulblets 1959-1960
Report 1959-1960
Tentative Climax Blowing of Kentucky Bluegrass 1959-1960
Committee report 1960-1961
Rule proposals 1960-1961
Committee report 1961-1962
Tentative Rule 1961-1962
Committee report 1962-1963
Committee report 1963-1964
Editorial 1964-1965
Rules committee report 1964-1965
Passed 1965-1966
Proposals 1965-1966
Committee report 1966-1967
Proposal 1966-1967
Committee report 1967-1968
Seed Treatment Proposal 1968-1969
Passed 1969-1970
Summary 1969-1970

Historical Rule Proposals 1970-1990

Proposals 1970-1971
Passed 1970-1971
Discussion Topics 1971-1972
Passed 1972-1973
Proposals 1972-1973
Nomenclature type corrections to rules 1973-1974
Passed 1973-1974
Proposals 1973-1974
Passed 1974-1975
Proposal 1974-1975
Passed 1975-1976
Proposals 1975-1976
Passed 1976-1977
Proposals 1976-1977
Passed 1977-1978
Proposals 1977-1978
Rules committe report 1978-1979
Coated Seed Tentative Proposal 1979-1980
Passed 1979-1980
Proposals 1979-1980
Coated Seed Tentative Rule 1980-1981
Late Received Proposal 1980-1981
Passed 1980-1981
Proposals 1980-1981
Passed 1981-1982
Proposals 1981-1982
Passed 1982-1983
Proposals 1982-1983
Passed 1983-1984
Proposals 1983-1984
Proposals 1984-1985
Results and amendments 1984-1985
Passed 1985-1986
Proposals 1985-1986
Passed 1986-1987
Proposals 1986-1987
Results 1987-1988
Proposals 1988-1989
Proposals and results 1988-1989
Seedling Handbook proposal 1988-1989
Passed 1989-1990
Proposals 1989-1990

Historical Rule Proposals 1990 – 2000

Proposal 9 1990-1991
Proposal 10-18 1990-1991
Proposals 1-8 1990-1991
Results and amendments 1990-1991
Results 1991-1992
Rule proposals 1991-1992
Passed proposals 1992-1993
Rule proposals 1992-1993
Passed proposals 1993-1994
Rule proposals 1993-1994
Proposals 1994-1995
Results 1994-1995
1996 For Discussion 1995-1996
Passed rules 1995-1996
Rule Proposals 1995-1996
Passed 1996-1997
Proposals summary 1996-1997
Rule Proposals 1996-1997
Amended Rule proposals 1997-1998
Results 1997-1998
Rule proposals 1-31 1997-1998
Rule proposals 32-59 1997-1998
Complete Proposals 1998-1999
Passed proposals 1998-1999
Summary and results 1998-1999
Proposals 1999-2000
Summary and results 1999-2000

Historical Rule Proposals 2000-2005

Proposals 14-30 2000-2001 Summary and results 2000-2001 Rule Proposal #1 – 2002 Aeschynomene americana Rule proposal #2 – 2002 – seed count wheat & bean Rule proposal #3 – 2002 – Rosemary – anise working weights rule proposal #4 – 2002 – welsh onion Rule Proposal #5a – PSU 2002 Rule Proposal #5b – AOSA Rules 2002 Table1 Rule Proposal #6 – 2002 Nox Weed Report Rule Proposal #7 – Flowers added to HB25 Rule proposal #8 – 2002 Bermuda grass PSU Rule Proposal #9 – 2002 4.9 Substrate Rule Proposal #10 – 2002 Soybean TCS Rule Proposal #11 – 2002 Corn TCS Rule Proposal #12 – 2002 big bluestem Rule Proposal #13 – 2002 Little Bluestem Rule Proposal #14 – 2002 Indiangrass Rule Proposal #15 – 2002 – Arrow Leaf Clover Rule Proposal #16 – 2002 Herbicide Traint Test rule proposal #17 – 2002 – Seed Soak RR Soybeans rule proposal #18 – 2001 Ryegrass grow-out Proposals 1-13 2000-2001 Rules summary and results 2001-2002 Rule Proposal #1 Caryophyllaceae seedlings 2002-2003 Rule Proposal #2 Violaceae seedlings 2002-2003 Rule Proposal #3 Pinus paired test 2002-2003 Rule Proposal #4 Split coleoptile of wheat 2002-2003 Rule Proposal #5 Germination rounding 2002-2003 Rule Proposal #6 big bluestem 2002-2003 Rule Proposal #7 Switchgrass 2002-2003 Rule Proposal #8 Little Bluestem 2002-2003 Rule Proposal #9 Indiangrass 2002-2003 Rule Proposal #10 Alkaligrass 2002-2003 Rule Proposal #11 PSD-MSU 2002-2003 Rule Proposal #12 Endophyte test 2002-2003 Summary and results 2002-2003Rule Change Proposal 1 – Flower Seed Weights1 2003-2004 Rule Change Proposal 2 – Flower Seed Weights1 2003-2004 Rule Change Proposal 3 – Flower Seed Weights1 2003-2004 Rule Change Proposal 4 – Flower Seed Weights1 2003-2004 Rule Change Proposal 5 – PSU 46 & 471 2003-2004 Rule Change Proposal 6 – Uniform Blowing1 2003-2004 Rule Change Proposal 7 – Uniform Blowing Handbook1 2003-2004 Rule Change Proposal 8 – Handbook 251 2003-2004 Rule Change Proposal 9 – Nasturtium officinale1 2003-2004 Rule Change Proposal 10 – Switchgrass 1 1 2003-2004 Rule Change Proposal 11 – GA31 2003-2004 Rule Change Proposal 12 – Germ Tolerance1 2003-2004 Rule Change Proposal 13 – Germ Tolerance1 2003-2004 Rules summary and results 2003-2004

Historical Rule Proposals 2005-2010
