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Welcome to the AnalyzeSeeds Site!

SCST Co-Chair
Molly Richeson, RGT
AgReliant Genetics
418 N. Jefferson St
Brimfield, IL 61517
Phone: 309-446-9830
SCST Co-Chair
Kalyn Brix, RST/RGT
SoDak Labs, Inc.
236 32nd Ave.
Brookings, SD 57006
Phone: 605-692-2758

Find information for examinations, continuing education, committee items, and persons to contact.


Listed are E-libraries, statistical tools, and other recommended links for CGT/RGT applicants and analysts alike.


The SCST genetic workshop will take place February 12th-16th, 2024 in Ames, Iowa. The bi-annual workshop covers a wide range of topics including new technologies, and has a special focus on current seed testing applications and knowledge aimed toward applicants applying for a CGT/RGT examination. The presentations and materials used are categorized & listed below.

In addition to the Super Workshop and other education and professional resources listed below, see these study guides for more information:

The Plant & Soil Sciences eLibraryPRO contains modules that present unbiased, research-based information focused on plant genetics, genetic engineering, and biochemistry. These open to the public lessons are composed of text enhanced with images, animations, a hyper-linked glossary and quizzes. For information on how to login to take a quiz, please contact the executive director for login information: scst@seedtechnology.net2

DNA Learning Center This website provides animated libraries and many links to resource websites pertaining to DNA education.

ISTA provides a collection of statistical programs and modules to assist seed analysts in their routine work, method development and validation.

Certification and Accreditation Information

RGT Certification Process

CGT Accreditation and Resources
