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AOSA/SCST Committees

CommitteeAOSA ChairSCST Chair
Advanced TechnologyRuojing WangBrent Reschly (RST)
Communications & PublicationsKathryn McGinnisQuinn Gillespie (RST)
Consolidated ExaminationLeanne DuncanSarah Graybill (RST)
Continuing EducationLeanna LeachKathy Mathiason (RST, CGT)
HandbookVictor VankusDiandra Viner (RST,CGT)
Journal of Seed TechnologyVictor Vankus 
Legislative Chi TrinhHeidi Jo Larson (RST)
Proficiency TestingJeanna MuellerHeidi Arneson (RST)
RefereeChi TrinhQuinn Gillespie (RST)
ResearchSabry EliasEunsoo Choe (RST)
Teaching & TrainingAnitra WalkerAngie Croft (RST)

AOSA/SCST Sub-Committees

CommitteeAOSA ChairSCST Chair
Conservation & Reclamation Tree & ShrubJack Lemke
Tia Tyler
Randy Crowl (RST)
Cultivar PurityDiandra VinerVacant
Flower SeedKathy MathiasonSarah Dammen (RST)
Germination & DormancyRiad BaalbakiDavid Johnston (Associate)
Document Control (formerly Lab Standards & Documentation)Todd EricksonAngie Rutt (Associate)
Purity AnalysisNish PatelDeborah Meyer (Associate)
Seed MoistureSabry EliasVacant
Seed VigorRiad BaalbakiLaura Carlson (RST)
StatisticsSabry Elias Karen Richard (Research)
TetrazoliumElizabeth StewartShaminder Miranpuri (RST, RGT)

AOSA Standing Committees

CommitteeAOSA Chair
By-LawsLynn Robinson
LiaisonCurrent AOSA President
MembershipCurrent AOSA Board of Directors
Nominations/ElectionsBridget Westfall
RulesTodd Erickson

SCST Standing Committees

CommitteeSCST Chair
Constitution & By-lawsTom Mager (RST)
EthicsRachel Henricks (RST) Brent Reschly (RST)
Genetic TechnologyMolly Richeson (RGT) Kalyn Brix (RST, RGT)
Genetic Technology – Super WorkshopMolly Richeson (RGT)
Historian & NecrologyMatthew Levy (RST)
InternationalDavid Johnston (Associate)
NominationsBrad Johnson (RST, RGT)
RGT Board of ExaminersMolly Richeson (RGT)
Seed LibraryEunsoo Choe (RST)