AOSA/SCST Committees
AOSA/SCST Sub-Committees
Committee | AOSA Chair | SCST Chair |
Conservation & Reclamation Tree & Shrub | Jack Lemke Tia Tyler | Randy Crowl (RST) |
Cultivar Purity | Diandra Viner | Vacant |
Flower Seed | Kathy Mathiason | Sarah Dammen (RST) |
Germination & Dormancy | Riad Baalbaki | David Johnston (Associate) |
Document Control (formerly Lab Standards & Documentation) | Cheryl Fossler | Angie Rutt (Associate) |
Purity Analysis | Nish Patel | Deborah Meyer (Associate) |
Seed Moisture | Sabry Elias | Vacant |
Seed Vigor | Riad Baalbaki | Laura Carlson (RST) |
Statistics | Sabry Elias | Karen Richard (Research) |
Tetrazolium | Elizabeth Stewart | Shaminder Miranpuri (RST, RGT) |
AOSA Standing Committees
Committee | AOSA Chair |
By-Laws | Johnny Zook |
Historian/Necrology | Vacant |
Liaison | Current AOSA President |
Membership | Current AOSA Board of Directors |
Nominations/Elections | Bridget Westfall |
Rules | Lan Chi Trinh |
SCST Standing Committees
Committee | SCST Chair |
Constitution & By-laws | Tom Mager (RST) |
Ethics | Rachel Henricks (RST) Brent Reschly (RST) |
Genetic Technology | Molly Richeson (RGT) Kalyn Brix (RST, RGT) |
Genetic Technology – Super Workshop | Molly Richeson (RGT) |
Historian & Necrology | Matthew Levy (RST) |
International | David Johnston (Associate) |
Nominations | Brad Johnson (RST, RGT) |
RGT Board of Examiners | Molly Richeson (RGT) |
Seed Library | Mark Berns (RST) |