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Welcome to the AnalyzeSeeds Site!

SCST Co-Chair
Molly Richeson, RGT
AgReliant Genetics
418 N. Jefferson St
Brimfield, IL 61517
Phone: 309-446-9830
SCST Co-Chair
Kalyn Brix, RST/RGT
SoDak Labs, Inc.
236 32nd Ave.
Brookings, SD 57006
Phone: 605-692-2758

Find information for examinations, continuing education, committee items, and persons to contact.


Listed are E-libraries, statistical tools, and other recommended links for CGT/RGT applicants and analysts alike.


The SCST genetic workshop will take place February 12th-16th, 2024 in Ames, Iowa. The bi-annual workshop covers a wide range of topics including new technologies, and has a special focus on current seed testing applications and knowledge aimed toward applicants applying for a CGT/RGT examination. The presentations and materials used are categorized & listed below.

In addition to the Super Workshop and other education and professional resources listed below, see these study guides for more information:

CGT/RGT Study Guide

The Plant & Soil Sciences eLibraryPRO contains modules that present unbiased, research-based information focused on plant genetics, genetic engineering, and biochemistry. These open to the public lessons are composed of text enhanced with images, animations, a hyper-linked glossary and quizzes. For information on how to login to take a quiz, please contact the executive director for login information: scst@seedtechnology.net2

DNA Learning Center This website provides animated libraries and many links to resource websites pertaining to DNA education.

ISTA provides a collection of statistical programs and modules to assist seed analysts in their routine work, method development and validation.

To Apply for the CGT/RGT Exam, please visit the RGT Board Examiners page HERE

To find Exam Locations, please visit the RGT Board of Examiners page HERE

Would you like to attend a Workshop? Please view the list below.

  • 2026 Super Workshop – More information to come!

To Order the Seed Technologists Training Manual, please visit our Store HERE

To Order the Seed Technologists Training Manual Chapter 14 Genetic Testing, please visit our Store HERE

RGT Certification Process

CGT Accreditation and Resources
